From rural crafts and traditions, practical and inspiring gardening tips, delicious recipes, wildlife, rural events and great places to visit, to discovering more about your food provenance and how you can support British farming, this 132-page NFU publication celebrates rural life and gives you an all-round view of the British countryside.
Same great content, brighter and bolder design
Countryside magazine has been in existence for some 25 years, but it’s been eight years since the last major redesign and relaunch.
Our new-look magazine has been in production for the past six months, and the brighter and bolder Countryside magazine has just hit doormats and newsstands.
What's new?
- A new front cover with more coverlines and extra images to entice our newsstand buyers
- New columnists covering issues such as dog behaviour, UK travel, crops and livestock breeds
- More impactful food and farming content (38 pages in the April edition alone)
- An updated colour palette which has introduced new pastel shades
- Fresh typography (for those of a typographical persuasion, our new fonts are called Gilroy and, rather alarmingly, Lust)
- Improved navigation through the magazine thanks to better sectioning, design and use of our new colours.
You can purchase the magazine via: Magazines Direct | Countryside April 2023 edition
You can let us know what you think by emailing: [email protected]
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A message from the Editor
"Our new-look magazine is a winning formula, both in terms of content and design. The response so far has been really positive but we'll also be surveying members and subscribers to gauge their reaction."
NFU Countryside Editor Martin Stanhope
A look inside the magazine